Elvaston Castle Estate is a much loved community asset owned by Derbyshire County Council. It is situated between Derby and Nottingham and attracts over 350,000 people every year, who enjoy its nationally important gardens and historic buildings.
It should be a real gem, but needs investment and a new approach to secure its future – one that protects its value for conservation, heritage and access whilst developing financial sustainability – and that’s where you come in.
The Castle and its current partners have worked closely with the local community and others to develop an exciting Vision for the future of Elvaston which we believe can be best delivered by a new managing body for the Estate such as a Charitable Trust.
Elvaston Castle is therefore looking for a strong Chair with the drive to recruit and lead an advisory ‘Development Board’ for Elvaston Castle.
The Development Board will work in partnership with Derbyshire County Council and others to champion the formation of the new managing body for the Estate that will ultimately take on responsibility for the Estate and make the Vision a reality
The Development Board will also bring commercial and business acumen, innovation, creative flair and enterprise to help shape initiation of the Vision.
The core of the Chair’s role will involve:
• Providing strong leadership of the Development Board and its input and advice to Derbyshire County Council during the early initiation, delivery and implementation of the 10-year Vision and Plan for the Elvaston Castle Estate – this will include informing business planning, funding bids and other investment, as well as partnership development
• Leading the work of the Development Board as an advocate for the proposed new managing body for Elvaston Castle and Estate and to work towards the creation of that body – this will include developing the potential governance and management model for the new body
Role requirements:
The Chair will need to demonstrate:
• A desire to break new ground, a pioneer not a settler
• Strong leadership – able to work in partnership and build consensus but also challenge when necessary
• Sound, independent judgement, have the ability to think creatively and be an effective problem solver
• Strategic thinking – able to set direction and see the big picture. Output orientated
• A thorough understanding and knowledge of business and/or commercial management, including financial management
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including communication across a range of media, tact and diplomacy – passionate about the work you are leading and able to communicate this powerfully and in a way that inspires others.
Key documents for this recruitment process:
Role and profile of the Chair – view, print or download here.
Terms of Reference for the Development Board – view, print or download here.
Original text of advertisement for the Chair- view, print or download here.
Key web reference: www.futureelvaston.co.uk
Submitting your application:
You can email your application to nick.sellwood@nationaltrust.org.uk or send it by post to:
Nick Sellwood, National Trust, Hardwick Consultancy Office, The Croft, Doe Lea, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S44 5QJ.